Andy Fletcher, MM0GYG
Hello and welcome to my web site. I live in a beautiful city called Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.
I am fully licensed as MM0GYG. My previous callsigns were 2M0NDI (intermediate) and MM6AAF (foundation). I have also used MA0GYG.
QSL Information
- QTH: Edinburgh
- DXCC Entity: Scotland
- CQ Zone: 14
- ITU Zone: 27
- Location: IO85jw
- click on ‘distance’ in the More ▼ menu to find out how far away you are
- Latitude and Longitude \(55^{\circ} 55' N, 3^{\circ} 10' W\)
- IOTA ID: EU-005 Great Britain
- WAB Square: NT27 (I think!)
- email:
- QSL via eQSL or LotW, no bureau or direct

If the above isn’t quite enough here’s my Biography!
Thanks for your interest and I hope to meet you further down the log.
I play about with electronics and radio in my spare time. Find out what in my blog.